Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In Case You Missed It...'s COLD and SNOWY!  For all the consoling comments last summer about having mild winters lately and not every winter being that bad, it's one of the coldest and quite snowy and icy as well.

This time, being at the north end of the county, meant less snow instead of the usual additional inches.  We got about 5 inches yesterday.

There is still ice on the inside corners of my bedroom windows.

May spring arrive quickly!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter Blues

I made promises to myself to not whine about winter.  Hopefully this will answer the question I've been asked for the last year and a half ("how are you going to make it through winter?") without being too whiny.

Winter has come.  It came a little earlier than I would have chosen.  I live in a warm house.  I teach in a warm school.  I even get to park my car in the garage.  Thus I am finding that the snow and ice are harder to take than the cold weather.  Driving in snow or ice (or any similarly nasty road condition) rates as one of my very least favorite activities.  On the positive side, the cold is not too bad.  If the heat stopped working, I'd probably change my mind instantly.  Oh, and I'm not very fond of recess duty these days.  Neither do I especially enjoy driving to and from work in the dark.  All in all I'm surviving and looking forward to spring.

Now, looking back over the last month...
The school Christmas program was a success -- not that I had much to do with it.  My job was crowd control.  I failed to take any pictures.

Then there was the equally successful Christmas party.  I was disappointed that I forgot my camera as I watched the students quietly listening to a Christmas story while relaxing on pillows in the Zimmerman's cozy basement.  I do not get to see the students in that mood very often.
And then the day was over and Christmas vacation arrived (not a day too soon).  Vacation days were filled with last minute shopping, food prep, cleaning, sewing and time with family and friends.

 Family Christmas.  The retro candy bars puzzle came together in about 24 hours despite 32 extra pieces.  Sorry to the next customer who must have come up 32 pieces short.
 It is beautiful even though I hate to drive through it.
This child has the monopoly on the Christmas pictures.  Too bad he didn't cooperate very well.  We love him anyway. :)

Happy New Year!