Sunday, July 6, 2014

To Grenada and Back

I can hardly believe that it is almost a year since I said final good-byes and moved to the States.  Looking back over the last year, I think the hardest parts of adjusting were the overwhelming schedule of starting school so soon after returning (while I was still car shopping, clothing shopping, etc.) and dealing with wintry roads.  I really hate driving in snow or ice.  Overall though it was a good year, full of family, friends, and students.  The school schedule may have been stressful, but school life was an important part of adjusting well.  I really enjoyed relating to the staff, students, and parents.

After surviving my first year away from Grenada, it was time to go back and catch up with friends and church family again.  It felt so good, so normal, to be there.  My goal was to reconnect with people, not necessarily to travel all around the island.  That is exactly what I did.

I did not get pictures of all the special people I saw, not even all of my closest friends, but here are a few I did get.
 I totally loved watching this young lady being a wife and mother and obviously loving it.
Finally got to meet Caleb, my newest godson.
 Thaddeus and Rose's wedding: Bridal party
 The Coutain family
The happy couple!  The  Limes church and community will surely miss Ms. Rose, but I believe LaBorie is glad to gain her.

I failed to get many school pictures.  Here the youngest three classes are practicing for quiz day.
It was great to see the school going on without me.  The Limes school has a great staff.  It sounds like they had a good year in spite of challenges.

 Loved this little house.  Amazingly neat and organized considering how much there is to organize in such a small space.
 Back with "my family" in Mont Tout.
 These girls grew up!  Sophia went from a baby to a little girl who plays and talks with friends.
Boyzie and Waggy.  Silly boys.  Boyzie didn't see me at church on the first Sunday until nearly the end.  He started shouting during the last song that I was there:)

My trip wasn't all fun.  The Grenada churches are facing some mountains.  I felt like a fair amount of my trip was spent processing some of those struggles with various people.  I was encouraged, however, by those who are standing up and pressing on in spite of the difficulties. God alone knows what is in the road ahead, but I trust that there will be faithful Christians continuing on.

I'm pretty excited about the month of July.  Very few plans.  Lots of days to do lots of things.  Hopefully they will be relaxing days, at least in the sense of not being high pressure.  Happy summer!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's been a year either! I enjoyed seeing some your pictures from Grenada! :)
