Sunday, September 22, 2013

School Days

One day flows into the next and suddenly it's weeks instead of days.  I am totally grateful to be on this side of September.  A month ago I had completed only the first day of school.  Now we have a month under our belts and everyone is much more comfortable.  My students continue to keep me challenged and chuckling.  Here are a few pictures of lunch time.

 I told Daniel he has a milk mustache.  "No!" he said. "It's yogurt!"

The class drama queen.

Out to eat before Kaitlyn headed off to SBMI for another year of "deaning".  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kits, rubbers, and family gatherings

School has begun.  It feels so much better to have my classroom full of people.  While I could have used a few more days to prepare, it was still a relief to stop wondering how things would go and just get started.

There are now 17 unique faces peering at me each morning.  I wish they would all continue to peer at me all day but I found quickly that it takes a great deal of creativity for that to happen.  O.K. I don't exactly want them to peer at me all day but having their attention is paramount if they are going to learn.  By now I'm finding out which students like getting tissues so they can walk across the room, love to color so much they forget to finish the worksheets, cannot remember to raise their hands, think lunch is the most important part of the day, or correct whatever mistake I make up front.

 Joey was sniffing and blowing his nose and looking generally miserable this day.  This charming little boy is going to give me my share of smiles and white hairs.
 Donuts and milk on the first day of school.

On to other happenings.  Grandpa had a birthday.  The family got together.  It was the first time in nearly 9 years that I was present at an extended family gathering on this side of my family.

Baby shower time!  We did manage to surprise Maria.  Now we all wait for a few months for baby's arrival.

Family Picnic on Labor Day.  We were missing one sister.

Humoring the younger brother:)

I'm enjoying all the family time.  There lots of things I'm enjoying like peaches, beautiful summer scenery, and a great school staff.  There are others things that I miss like good bread, warm weather, and a suitable wardrobe.  Other things I just notice to be different like clouds that hardly move across the sky, changing fads (gaga pits, shoe styles), and longer daylight hours.  I'm working at my English and vocabulary.  Grenada had a definite impact on my speaking style.  Thankfully first graders are fairly adaptable and seem to understand what I mean when I talk about kits and rubbers.