Monday, June 9, 2014

Family Time: Charleston and Savannah

I'm into the third week of summer vacation but the desperate feeling of packing everything I need to do into a short amount of time has not passed.  I hope it does sometime this summer.

Now, on to the main point of this post.  Last week I accompanied my family on a family trip for the first time in 8 years.  We packed 5 adults, 1 adult sized teenager, and 1 nearly adult sized child in a 7 passenger van along with 7 suitcases, many snacks, numerous backpacks, several laptops, and far too many other random items.  Then we headed for Charleston, South Carolina.

 The Charleston Museum: the oldest museum in the United States.  While most of the museum is about Charleston and its history, there are a few surprising exhibits like a polar bear and an Egyptian mummy.

 The streets of Charleston are delightfully old and tropical.

 We had fun exploring Magnolia Cemetery.
Angel Oak Tree
Drayton Hall

 Charleston Tea Plantation: The only tea plantation in the United States (I think).
O.K. We did see more exotic animals than this but I might turn into a squirrel/bird watcher if they continue to be so entertaining.   I wish I had pictures from Hunting Island other than the squirrel and the picnic area.  It was my favorite spot on the trip.

We rolled into Savannah already exhausted from our time on Hunting Island.  That didn't stop us from exploring miles of streets and parks in the next 20 hours.

Forsyth Park
A house beside the square.   After seeing so many squares, I have no idea which square it was.

Walking along the river.

Lots of great times.  On the trip home we reminisced about our previous family trips.  I typed up a list of trips and the memories we recalled.  That will need to be finished later.  After 11 trips were discussed, we decided to save the remaining 14 for later.  Our family almost never camped and went to the cabin once a year.  Our vacations were spend sight-seeing and driving.  I love all the memories we have from these family times.