Friday, September 12, 2014

An Exciting Week

One thing that I have been passionate about for many years is reading.  I remember being punished as a child with "no more books for the rest of the day."  That was a tough punishment.  I also remember responding by asking if I could still read my Bible.  Of course Mother wasn't going to ban Bible reading.  At least one time I remember taking her up on that.  Somehow the intended "revenge" wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be.  Thankfully as I matured, Bible reading was part of my passion for reading rather than revenge.

Now as a teacher, I believe that teaching students to read well, both in mechanics and in discernment, is key in their journey of deciding to do with God's Word.  Obviously if they never learn to read the words on the page, Bible reading will be difficult.  If children's reading material exposes them to much evil, they can be led far from truth while they are easily swayed.  If their reading material is too sheltered, they will grow up thinking that one should believe everything they read as truth. 

I just realized how far off subject I have strayed.  The main point of my post was to show off the books that arrived for my classroom this week.  Our classroom really needed some books of it's own and now we have some.  What better way to get children excited about books!

 This first set of books are going to be used for reading class in the second half of the year.  I'm pretty excited about this experiment and I think the students will be, too.

 The Hardcover books (all ready for our shelves).

The soft cover books.  Sure wish books came already covered with contact paper, but I'm happy enough with my books that I'll try not to complain. 
The students have figured out that the secretary keeps bringing us more books.  They've started to get excited when she walks in.  So do I.

Tonight I went to a 15 year high school reunion.  I think 17 out of 31 classmates made it.  I enjoyed seeing this group again who was such a huge part of my world for 4 very formative years of my life.


  1. So funny about the reading thing. My oldest daughter had the same "no books for the rest of the day ban" some days this summer; and she asked me the same thing one time, " can't I read the Bible". Well, she did read it. Hope she learned something from it!
    I saw Kevin Hankes in the pile. I read Owen's Blanket (also written by him) to Isaac till it fell apart. Its now on the self tapped together and Isaac can read it himself; only I can't imagine that he'd need to read, I'm sure he must have it memorized.

  2. I love children's books and this gives me some new books to look for at the library. I just got Harry & the Lady Next Door for my oldest daughter. I thought it was a good book for her to read. Turns out Granmother has the books and she has it pretty much memorized. I'll have to try Clara and the Bookwagon and Morris the Moose. Did you have the book Ira Sleeps Over at your house growing up? I got it recently at the library and it reminded me of your house. I wasn't sure if you actually had the book or if I just associated the book with your house as a child, since that was my most common place to sleep over.
